#055: One first thing you need to do develop trust in business as a finance professional

#055: One first thing you need to do develop trust in business as a finance professional

What is the first thing you need to do develop trust in business as a finance professional?
Accountants and Finance professionals sometimes get a bad rap and are seen as boring because we can occasionally get so caught up in crunching the numbers, getting spreadsheets to work, or stuck in the financials that we end up detaching from the commercial reality that good business is fundamentally about people.
More specifically, it’s really much less about the numbers (which some of us finance professionals generally hold as important) and instead much more about developing rapport and trusting relationships with ‘real’ people so that you earn the right to start doing business with each other.

In this episode I share one simple step that you can repeatedly use to develop trusting relationships with your customers, clients and other stakeholders in the business.

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