#116: The Debate: What Is A Fantastic Accountant? Anders, James & Andrew

#116: The Debate: What Is A Fantastic Accountant? Anders, James & Andrew

As we approach 2019, there have been many advances in technology & tools that have also shifted upwards the expectations upon finance professionals, so nowadays what does it take to become a fantastic accountant?

So we thought we’d ask James Perry, the Accounting Exam Coach, Anders Liu-Lindberg, cofounder of the Business Partnering Institute and Andrew Codd, Founder and Producer of the Strength in the Numbers Show to offer some practical advice to answer this question, as well as:

• On defining what an accountant is
• On why there will still be a need for accountants but the future will be very different for them.
• The importance of discovering what you enjoy doing and softer skills.

If you enjoyed this episode, check out our time-stamped show notes, key quotes, resources and ways to connect with our guest mentor and more at sitnshow.com/podcast/116.


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