Did you know that when we’re anxious we get sweaty palms however this is also the same sensation in our bodies when we are excited. So with all the disruption going on around us in finance how do we change the drivers to get a more ‘excited’ outcome and not get left behind?
On today’s episode guest mentor Khaled Chowdhury and I deconstruct why it’s okay to be a little alarmed and how to best invest in our most important asset as finance professionals, ourselves, as well as:
• The advantages of being trained by sales and wise leaders.
• The most valuable resource we can give back to the business and an example that drove 50% more sales
• A practical approach that we can use in finance to help navigate and accelerate the learning process to acquire experience faster.
• We deconstruct the 3 components of habits and how to change them to deliver better outcomes.
If you enjoyed this episode, check out our time-stamped show notes, key quotes, resources and ways to connect with our guest mentor and more at sitnshow.com/podcast/132.