#222: Present Sense and Dynamic Resource Allocation with Steve Morlidge

#222: Present Sense and Dynamic Resource Allocation with Steve Morlidge

“One of the problems with traditional budgeting is that that we lock down our budgets once a year, so it’s a bit like tying the rudder of a boat to the deck, it removes your ability to steer.”

And on today’s episode our guest mentor Steve Morlidge goes on to help us deconstruct how we can do this better by examining:
– The meaning of dynamic resource allocation and its importance
– Using graphical presentation instead of data tables figure to deliver the message
– How the finance professional must have the idea on the concept of noise and those we can safely ignore as finance professionals by using the 10:4 rule.
– How agile companies have a mechanism to measure the risk attached to the business and then the process to learn from it.

If you enjoyed this episode, check out our time-stamped show notes, key quotes, resources and ways to connect with our guest mentor and more at sitnshow.com/podcast/222.


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